Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 6, 2011

UDD path for Olly Debug

Today, i do research about "Config your UDD folder's path on Olly debug". Something about my articles:
 + A UDD path is the path on your hard drive to the folder where OllyDbg stores its UDD files.
+ UDD files are files OllyDbg uses to store information it gathers about a process with its analyzer.
So, We can understand that UDD is a part of Olly Debug that Olly Debug need it to load path on your hard drive to the folder where OllyDbg stores its UDD files, if you do not config this path, you will get some problems when you debug your application.
UDD files use to store information it gathers about a process with its analyzer.
Thus, I think that UDD path does not affect to Debug Process.

Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 6, 2011

BNF for fuzzing

I am researching about BNF. I am trying to make an application that check many files' formats. I have done in .pls format for Winamp, MediaMonkey and .m3u format for VLC and MediaMonkey. I found some problem in these applications. If we use a very long file's name to definite a playlist (file .pls or .m3u), Winamp or Mediamonkey will be crash.
Now i am trying to discover this error, it can be use to attack some systems.

Install Kubernetes using kubeadm with two nodes master & worker

Well come back for a long time my friends! Today I want to take a note about some basic knowledge about Kubernetes. I hope that it will...